Saturday, July 27, 2024


First off, I would like to thank all of you who continue to visit this site.

I have been online for some time now and this is the second time I have entered the Internet Marketing area. For most of my time, I have been concentrated on niche websites.

I have to say that now, as I did before, I am quite disillusioned with the MMO (Make Money Online) area.

It seems that we are bombarded with new products popping up every day which, to be honest, makes my head spin and only seems to provide a constant distraction.

Yes, there are honest people out there but what I do see is a lot of folks promoting really crappy products. I know, because I bought a few…

Products that don’t work as they are supposed to…

People who don’t stand behind their products and leave you frustrated with a lack of support.

So much so that I have become very disheartened with the whole thing. Added to this is the fact that you end up being subscribed to so many email lists that you start to get information overload and don’t know what to do for the best.

I feel I can’t start to promote and recommend a lot of things in the IM area and keep a clear conscience. That’s why I prefer to concentrate on niche websites, which is a whole different approach, and try and be of some help to my visitors.

Now, to be successful and happy in life, whether working online or not, we all need to build up our self-confidence, focus, motivation, and positivity.

I think this is especially true now after the last couple of years and also the continuing troubles around the world.

That’s why I have decided to change the focus of this site to the area of self-improvement and self-development.

It’s no use trying to be successful at anything unless you have some important fundamentals in place first.

Now, I’m no expert or guru, but what I do promise to bring you is sensible, actionable information that will hopefully enrich your lives.

I hope that you will continue to visit here and that you will find this transition to be of value to you.

Should you wish to read any of my previously published articles you will find them in an archived area for the time being.

Thanks for reading!

Dave Kendrick